PCB East show management requires every person applying for media/press credentials to be representing an established or identifiable publication, journal, or related blog. Applicants may be required to submit a URL link or PDF of a recent (past six months) article with their byline published by the media outlet they are planning to represent at PCB East.

To register as media, please contact PCEA at

Failure to submit the required documentation prior to April 3, 2025, may result in the denial of media credentials. Show management retains the right to deny media credentials to any applicant for any reason.


Upon verification of media credentials, press badges will be issued and can be picked up onsite at the PCB East registration counters.

Technical Conference

The paid technical conference takes place April 29 – May 2, 2025. The paid technical conference is restricted to paid registrants only; those with press badges only will not be admitted.

The free conference sessions take place from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on April 30. Those with press badges will be admitted to all free conference sessions.


The exhibition hall is open April 30, 2025 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. All exhibits are in the ballroom. Those with press badges will be admitted to all free conference sessions.


Show management is the official photographer. Taking pictures or recording within the common areas, exhibit area or meeting rooms is prohibited without prior approval. Requests for filming or photography within the exhibit area or meeting rooms must be submitted to show management prior to March 30, 2025. Show management reserves the right to deny any such requests.


Show proceedings are available upon written request and with the approval of the conference director. Show proceedings are copyright Printed Circuit Engineering Association™ and may not be shared or redistributed without prior written permission from Printed Circuit Engineering Association™.